Mallorca Free Tour beginning: a local company from Mallorca
Mallorca Free Tour beginning: We were born in 2014 with a purpose: Do what you really love and you’ll never work a day in your life. It seems a cliché, a set phrase or an advertisement…. But sometimes it’s true! A couple of years ago, Cati and Javi had a brilliant idea: create the free tour system in Palma de Mallorca and we, Carlos and Eulari, believed in it.
The idea came into being gradually in a project because the situation was changing, now it wasn’t just “sun and beach” and “all-inclusive”; the interest in discovering the culture, feeling the island and learning more about the local customs was raising. So, our turn came: how can we catch the attention and interest of the tourists? Which kind of tour can we offer? In how many languages should we do the tours? How long the visits would last? I’m an official guide, but am I sure that I know all the answers? Will be the uniform fit great?
The Free Tour experience
There was just an answer: go out to the streets! And we did it! In the beginning, we were a mirage, people just saw people in orange T-shirts, and that was all. Almost no one knew that behind the dream Mallorca Free Tour, there was something more than a brand, also there were official guides, born in Mallorca, history and local culture lovers and above all, professionals. The patience was our best friend, the courage taught us the mistakes, the practice became experience and today in 2020 we work, we adapt, we improve our walking tours, we take your questions, our team is increasing with more professional and local guides.
But the most important aspect is that we learn from you and we keep practising with just a single goal: offer a walking tour with the passion and the excitement as the first day.